Month: March 2022


What’s Your Parenting Style

What’s Your Parenting Style? As a parent, your approach to how you raise your kids is going to be as unique as you are. Still, it’s hard not to look at other parents and wonder, Is my way the right way? And chances are, as distinct as your style might be, it probably shares traits […]

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The Secret to Surviving Daylight Saving Time With Kids

The Secret to Surviving Daylight Saving Time With Kids Anything that disrupts the normal day/night (Circadian) rhythm can lead to sudden sleep problems…that includes moving the clocks for daylight saving time. Babies and toddlers are already prone to sleep ups and downs, so it’s kind of disruptive that twice a year we upset their sleep […]

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The 10 Best Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding

The 10 Best Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding If you’re a breastfeeding mom, there’s a good chance that your hunger levels may have reached an all-time high…and it’s no wonder! Right now, your hardworking body is burning So Many calories a day to fuel your milk-making. So, it stands to reason that you need more […]

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Is Lying About Santa Naughty or Nice

Is Lying About Santa Naughty or Nice? December comes with all sorts of traditions: trimming the tree with twinkling lights, decking the halls with boughs of holly, picking out the perfect presents and…lying to our children? Indeed, the myth of Santa is a huge part of the Christmas holiday, yet it requires parents to fudge […]

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How to Support Someone Through a Miscarriage

How to Support Someone Through a Miscarriage According to the Mayo Clinic, 10 to 20 percent of pregnancies tragically end in miscarriage. And, because some women miscarry before they even know they’re pregnant, the actual number of miscarriages is likely much higher. Despite the fact that pregnancy loss is common, it can be an isolating […]

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How to Set Boundaries with Grandparents

How to Set Boundaries with Grandparents When you’re in the throes of parenting young children, grandparents can be a lifeline, pitching in, sharing their experience, and showering your littles with unconditional love. Of course, grandparents can also drive you crazy—spoiling your kids, hopping them up on sugar, and totally disregarding your parenting rules! It can […]

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How to Embrace the Unexpected in Parenthood

How to Embrace the Unexpected in Parenthood Becoming a parent is many things…including disorienting. One day you’re blissfully in charge of only yourself, making decisions that are best for you then—bam!—with a new child, your world turns on its head and your purpose, direction, goals shift entirely. For folks who like to feel in-control (and, […]

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Breastfeeding Help What to Do if Nursing Is Hard

Breastfeeding Help What to Do if Nursing Is Hard Breastmilk is an ultra-nourishing substance for newborns…but thank goodness we have formula! Some parents choose not to breastfeed and others can’t for medical reasons. And then there’s another group of new parents: Those who want to nurse but struggle a great deal in the first few […]

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16 Ways to Help Families in Need

16 Ways to Help Families in Need ‘Tis the season to think about giving! While there are so many worthy causes out there, as a parent, your heartstrings might be tugged especially hard by ones that benefit other families. So, if you’re looking for a nonprofit to support this year, we found organizations that help […]

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15 Ways to Be More Present With Your Baby

15 Ways to Be More Present With Your Baby They say the days are long, but the years are short. They often fail to mention that the first year is the absolute shortest! Bringing a new baby home is one of the most exhilarating and terrifying things you’ll ever do, but despite all the question […]

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