Baby Cradle

Baby Cradle

Why SNOO’s Big Sleep Milestone Matters

Why SNOO’s Big Sleep Milestone Matters To date, babies have slept in their SNOOs for over 250 million hours! That means that babies have soundly snoozed exactly the way the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends—on their backs—for the equivalent of more than 28,000 years (wow!). Not only that, but hundreds of thousands of parents have […]

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Baby Cradle

Why Rocking Bassinets Soothe Babies

Why Rocking Bassinets Soothe Babies It’s nearly impossible for parents not to rock their babies. It’s an instinctual dance. We’re born knowing that motion soothes our precious little ones. In some traditional cultures, mothers bounce their babies all day long or wear them in slings, offering a soothing motion with every step. But as any […]

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Baby Cradle

This Mom of 7 Found ‘Amazing Peace of Mind’ With

This Mom of 7 Found ‘Amazing Peace of Mind’ With A house full of kids doesn’t leave much time for sleep—just ask Wyoming mom Victoria David, mother to three step kids and (as of recently!) four biological children. When Victoria found out she was pregnant with Baby #7 she had baby sleep struggles top of […]

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Baby Cradle

The Best Bassinet for Baby Sleep

The Best Bassinet for Baby Sleep Bassinets may be a part of your little one’s life for a mere six months, but the right bassinet can have a lasting impact on not only your baby’s sleep, but yours…now and for years to come! The key, of course, is knowing what makes a bassinet the best […]

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Baby Cradle

Amino Acids for Hair Benefits and How to Use

Amino Acids for Hair Benefits and How to Use Amino acid is one of those ingredients you’ve probably heard name-dropped about a kajillion times, but still don’t know exactly what it is—and that’s okay. We’re here to fill you in. Amino acids are molecules that combine to form proteins. When proteins are broken down or […]

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Baby Cradle

5 Ways Supports Maternal Mental Health

5 Ways Supports Maternal Mental Health Tragically, about 20% of new parents suffer from postpartum mood disorders…that’s an epidemic—and not one we can afford to live with. At Happiest Baby we’re not just about helping babies thrive…we’re here to support the whole family. That means doing our part to help reduce the risk of postpartum […]

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